Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back to Blogging

Blogging has fallen off my list very quickly as I went back to work. It wasn't until just this past week when a co-worker mentioned she stumbled upon my blog that it crossed my mind.
Elise has just celebrated her first birthday. Unlike Owen, who ate his entire piece of cake, Elise ate the fondant circles but had none of the cake. As I realize that neither kid is less than 1, I'm determined to (1) finish Owen's first year photo book and (2) start Elise's first year photo book. Perhaps by posting, it will actually happen. I won't hold my breath.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


As I count down the days/weeks before I head back to work...3 weeks from tomorrow ... i realize that Elise's recent bottle taking dislike is going to be a problem. So, tonight we decided to see how long she would hold out - she went a good 6 hrs without bottle. She mimicked a flat board, screamed her head off, and even ate a rather large portion of rice cereal (mixed with the same liquid in the bottle) than take THE bottle. Houston, we might have a problem in 3 weeks.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Toddler Logic

I love toddler logic - makes you rethink what you say :)1. Connect the dots - we didn't give specific instructions on which dot to connect...he knew he was suppose to find a fish but kept asking 'where's the fish?'

2. Ice Cream Conversation
Owen: I want to eat some ice cream (as we were passing Graeters)
Me: Owen, it's too cold outside for ice cream
Owen: We can eat it inside - it's not cold inside

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ready for T-giving

Trick or Treat - check...We got lots of candy and our first family foto snapped. Race car driver Owen and Elise 'O Lantern survived the chilly night.

November is here! Owen is ready for his trip to RAP although he doesn't know it yet. We got him a little Owen size suitcase last weekend which gets rolled around the entire house, including the bathroom...3 weeks and counting!

Monday, September 28, 2009

A flash of Lisa

Although the weather was dreary this past weekend, it was a warm house here in Cincinnati with a great but short visit from Lisa. Owen was so excited and couldn't stop talking the entire 50min ride from our house to the airport to pick up Lisa.

On saturday, we checked out Applefest in Lebanon. Even though Lebanon is only 15 min up the road, I can't say I've really been to Lebanon but we will definitely make it back for numerous reasons. The applefest was a combination of craft fair and food fest. The highlights for Owen include seeing the Lebanon Train...and actually getting to eat an apple at applefest. (we heard his request for a solid 30 min before actually getting an apple)
Tom had a nice find with a local chocolate shop - I thought I would have to pry him from the store. They were yummy treats and I'm sure we'll be back for future visits.

Of course the weekend wouldn't be complete without story time with our guest...

Friday, August 28, 2009

forecasting a slow warm up...

With the arrival of Elise last week Monday, I was wondering how Owen would be adjusting. He did visit at the hospital on Monday in which he never got closer than 2 feet to either Elise or me. No hugs, nothing...I was only able to bribe him to be within arm's reach with some M&M's.

On Wednesday, I was released and Tom picked me up himself. Together, we went to pick up Owen from Barb's house. As soon as I walked in, Owen says Hi Mom - Go to work, I'm eating cereal...hmm, not the welcome I was hoping for. But by bedtime, he did say "Mom, I missed you."

On Thurs, Elise came home and Owen would not come anywhere near her. But by Friday, he did get within 3 feet of her and acknowledge Elise's presence. Today, was yet another step forward with willingness to sit on the couch next to Tom or I while we were holding Elise. He has yet to touch or hold her but perhaps by end of this week there will be a cute photo of Owen holding Elise. Until then, this is the official first photo of the siblings...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

No shortage of cars here

We celebrated Owen's birthday today with a house full of chaos. Fun was had by all. The theme was Disney Cars and with that came many Cars presents. Thanks to everyone's generosity and I think Owen's car count went up at least 10 fold. If anyone would like to play with some cars, please stop over!
I decided to make my own cake this year and found a pic on the web that seemed easy to replicate. I was pretty happy with how it turned out and Owen thought it tasted pretty good, I think.